We invite teachers, activists, students and scholars to submit proposals for presentations, posters or workshops relating to our Symposium themes.

Submission deadline: March 30, 2018

Notification of acceptance: April 9, 2018

Symposium themes:

  • Research (Day 1: Thursday June 7)
  • Instructional skills (Day 2: Friday June 8)
  • Community (Day 3: Saturday June 9)

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Culture-based education
  • Language revitalization/reclamation/maintenance
  • Immersion schools, Mentor-Apprentice Programs and other paths to fluency
  • Community organizing/fund development/activism/program planning
  • Research/assessment/best practices
  • Technology/audio-visual language maintenance & revitalization techniques
  • Other Indigenous language education topics
  • Elder, speaker, teacher and student outreach and recruitment

Types of presentations:

  • Workshop (45 or 90 minutes): Hands-on session in which participants learn and practice specific skills such as language teaching or testing techniques, culturally based language education strategies. Presenters are encouraged to use handouts and audio-visual aids and share their own curriculum and teaching materials. We welcome proposals for multi-presenter workshops, which may be assigned longer time slots if needed.
  • Presentation (30 minutes): A description, demonstration and/or discussion of something the presenter(s) is doing or has done related to Indigenous language education. Presenters are encouraged to use handouts and audio-visual aids.
  • Poster (2 hour joint session): Similar to a presentation, but instead of an oral presentation the presenter prepares a poster which attendees can view and discuss during a specific time slot. This format is especially suitable for student presenters and for work-in-progress. The poster session will be held on Thursday June 7 at the end of the day during the welcome reception.
  • Panel discussion (45 or 90 minutes): Panel discussions provide a forum for a group to discuss general issues related to indigenous education and to share ideas and opinions in a more informal format.

Please fill in either the Word or PDF version of the proposal form with your contact information and send it to by March 30.

Click here for the PDF form.

Click here for the Word form.

We look forward to reading your proposals! For questions, please email or phone +1-403-380-1809 (Inge Genee; University of Lethbridge) orĀ +1-877-965-3910 (Lisa Crowshoe or Joslin Smith; Peigan Board of Education)